So you want to write a fast Python?

Thinking about writing your own Python implementation? Congrats, there are plenty out there 1, but perhaps you have something new to bring to the table. Writing a fast Python is a pretty hard task, and there’s a lot of stuff you need to keep in mind, but if you’re interested in forging ahead, keep reading!

First, you’ll need to write yourself an interpreter. A static compiler for Python doesn’t have enough information to do the right things 1 1, and a multi-stage JIT compiler is probably more trouble than it’s worth 1. It doesn’t need to be super fast, but it should be within 2x of CPython or so, or you’ll have lost too much ground to make up later. You’ll probably need to write yourself a garbage collector as well, it should probably be a nice, generational collector 1.

Next you’ll need implementations for all the builtins. Be careful here! You need to be every bit as good as CPython’s algorithms if you want to stand a chance, this means things like list.sort() keeping up with Timsort 1, str.__contains__ keeping up with fast search 1, and dict.__getitem__ keeping up with the extremely carefully optimized Python dict 1.

Now you’ve got the core language, take a bow, most people don’t make it nearly this far! However, there’s still tons of work to go, for example you need the standard library if you want people to actually use this thing. A lot of the stdlib is in Python, so you can just copy that, but some stuff isn’t, for that you’ll need to reimplement it yourself (you can “cheat” on a lot of stuff and just write it in Python though, rather than C, or whatever language your interpreter is written in).

At this point you should have yourself a complete Python that’s basically a drop-in replacement for CPython, but that’s a bit slower. Now it’s time for the real work to begin. You need to write a Just in Time compiler, and it needs to be a good one. You’ll need a great optimizer that can simultaneously understand some of the high level semantics of Python, as well as the low level nitty gritty of your CPU 1.

If you’ve gotten this far, you deserve a round of applause, not many projects make it this far. But your Python probably still isn’t going to be used by the world, you may execute Python code 10x faster, but the Python community is more demanding than that. If you want people to really use this thing you’re going to have to make sure their C extensions run. Sure, CPython’s C-API was never designed to be run on other platforms, but you can make it work, even if it’s not super fast, it might be enough for some people 1.

Finally, remember that standard library you wrote earlier? Did you make sure to take your time to optimize it? You’re probably going to need to take a step back and do that now, sure it’s huge, and people use every nook and cranny of it, but if you want to be faster, you need it to be faster too. It won’t do to have your bz2 module be slower, tarnishing your beautiful speed results 1.

Still with me? Congratulations, you’re in a class of your own. You’ve got a blazing fast Python, a nicely optimized standard library, and you can run anyone’s code, Python or C. If this ballad sounds a little familiar, that’s because it is, it’s the story of PyPy. If you think this was a fun journey, you can join in. There are ways for Python programmers at every level to help us, such as:

Hope to see you soon 1!

  1. CPython, IronPython, Jython, PyPy, at least! ↩︎