Why I don't use easy_install

First things first, this post is not meant as a flame, nor should it indicate to you that you shouldn’t use it, unless of course you’re priorities are perfectly aligned with my own. That being said, here are the reasons why I don’t use easy_install, and how I’d fix them.

So what’s my solution? PyPi is a tremendous resource for Python libraries, and there are great tools in Python for working with it, for example using a setup.py file makes it incredibly easy to get your package up on PyPi, and keep it up to date. So there’s no reason to throw all that stuff out the window. My solution would be for someone to set up a server that mirrored all the data from PyPi, regularly, and then offered the packages as .deb’s(for Debian/Ubuntu users, and as RPMs for Fedora users, etc…). That way all a user of a given package manager can just add the URL to their sources list, and then install everything that’s available from PyPi, plus they derive all of the benefits of their given package manager(for me personally, the ability to uninstall and batch upgrade).

Note: I’m not suggesting everyone use apt-get, I’m merely suggesting everyone use their native package manager, and there’s no reason easy_install/pip/virtualenv can’t also be used.