You Built a Metaclass for *what*?
Recently I had a bit of an interesting problem, I needed to define a way to represent a C++ API in Python. So, I figured the best way to represent that was one class in Python for each class in C++, with a functions dictionary to track each of the methods on each class. Seems simple enough right, do something like this:
class String(object):
functions = {
"size": Function(Integer, []),
We’ve got a String class with a functions dictionary that maps method names to Function objects. The Function constructor takes a return type and a list of arguments. Unfortunately we run into a problem when we want to do something like this:
class String(object):
functions = {
"size": Function(Integer, []),
"append": Function(None, [String])
If we try to run this code we’re going to get a NameError, String isn’t defined yet. Django models have a similar issue, with recursive foreign keys. Django’s solution is to use the placeholder string “self”, and have a metaclass translate it into the right class. Also having a slightly more declarative API might be nice, so something like this:
class String(DeclarativeObject):
size = Function(Integer, [])
append = Function(None, ["self"])
So now that we have a nice pretty API we need our metaclass to make it happen:
class DeclarativeObjectMetaclass(type):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
functions = dict([(n, attr) for n, attr in attrs.iteritems()
if isinstance(attr, Function)])
for attr in functions:
new_cls = super(DeclarativeObjectMetaclass, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
new_cls.functions = {}
for name, function in functions.iteritems():
if function.return_type == RECURSIVE_TYPE_CONSTANT:
function.return_type = new_cls
for i, argument in enumerate(function.arguments):
function.arguments[i] = new_cls
new_cls.functions[name] = function
return new_cls
class DeclarativeObject(object):
__metaclass__ = DeclarativeObjectMetaclass
And that’s all their is to it. We take each of the functions on the class out of the attributes, create a normal class instance without the functions, and then we do the replacements on the function objects and stick them in a functions dictionary.
Simple patterns like this can be used to build beautiful APIs, as is seen in Django with the models and forms API.